
Fund Changes

Unit certificate business for Erste Asset Management GmbH funds

27 November 2024

Due to technical problems, the unit certificate business for all funds of Erste Asset Management GmbH in Austria will be suspended with immediate effect. Unit certificate orders received before the cut-off on 26 November 2024 are expected to be settled with a delay at the applicable net asset value. The resumption of unit certificate trading will be announced separately.

28 November 2024

In response to our last communication, we would like to inform you that the technical problems have now been resolved and that the unit certificate business for all funds of Erste Asset Management GmbH in Austria was resumed on 28 November 2024.



ERSTE BEST OF AMERICA (merging fund) into ERSTE RESPONSIBLE STOCK AMERICA (receiving fund) as of 17 September 2024

ERSTE BEST OF AMERICA (merging fund) will merge with the ERSTE RESPONSIBLE STOCK AMERICA (acquiring fund). The unit holders will be notified directly of the merger in accordance with § 133 InvFG 2011. ERSTE BEST OF AMERICA fund will no longer exist after the merger.


Details can be found at:


OeKB information id=201477

OeKB information id=201507

Historical prices and reports & prospectuses


AT0000703459 to AT0000822812 - 1:0,362350

AT0000703467 to AT0000822655 - 1:0,371201

AT0000A0QQJ3 to AT0000A0A1P0 - 1:0,411253


OeKB information id=201537

OeKB information id=201636

Historical prices and reports & prospectuses


ERSTE BEST OF EUROPE (merging fund) into ERSTE RESPONSIBLE STOCK EUROPE (receiving fund) as of 27 August 2024

ERSTE BEST OF EUROPE (merging fund) will merge with the ERSTE RESPONSIBLE STOCK EUROPE fund (acquiring fund).

The unit holders will be notified directly of the merger in accordance with § 133 InvFG 2011.

The ERSTE BEST OF EUROPE fund will no longer exist after the merger.


Details can be found at:


OeKB information id=200893

OeKB information id=200925

Historical prices and reports & prospectuses


AT0000703335 to AT0000A1E0V5 - 1:0,717680

AT0000703343 to AT0000645973 - 1:0,959031

AT0000A0QQK1 to AT0000A0WM11 - 1:1,037678841


OeKB information id=200957

OeKB information id=201020

Historical prices and reports & prospectuses


Fund renaming as of 28.05.2024




Segregation, segregation date, segregation ratio

The segregation pursuant to § 65 (1) InvFG 2011 was approved by way of a decision issued by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) on 20 September 2023 bearing the identifier GZ FMA IF25 6998/0001-INV/2023. The fund affected by the segregation is ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL. The designation of the segregated assets is ABW ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung. Erste Asset Management GmbH serves as the management company and Erste Group Bank AG as the depositary bank.

Segregation date: 24.11.2023. Start of liquidation: 24.11.2023.

In contrast to the split ratio of the unit certificates of 1:1, the amortised cost will be allocated at a ratio of 99,69945% (segregated fund ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL) to 0,30055% (segregated assets or side pocket ABW ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung).  

The fund prospectus including the fund rules and the key information document for the fund affected by the segregation, ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL, are available in German and, if applicable, in English at our offices at Am Belvedere 1, A-1100 Vienna as well as at the depositary bank or on our website at


Fund segregations: ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL - segregation of illiquid fund assets as of 24 November 2023

For the fund ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL, the illiquid, non-fungible assets of the fund will be segregated effective 24 November 2023. These assets with the designation “ABW ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung” will be wound up starting on 24 November 2023. Due to the execution of the segregation of illiquid Russian assets of the listed fund (§ 65 InvFG 2011), unit certificate transactions will be suspended for this fund starting on 20 November 2023. The remaining, liquid assets of ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL can be dealt in again starting on 27 November 2023.

The unit-holders will be informed of the segregation directly in accordance with Section 133 of the InvFG 2011.

You can find more details at: 

OeKB information id=194348

OeKB information id=194381



In contrast to the split ratio of the unit certificates of 1:1, the amortised cost will be allocated at a ratio of 99,69945% (segregated fund ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL) to 0,30055% (segregated assets or side pocket ABW ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung).  

ABW ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung:

You can find the regular quarterly reports and annual liquidation reports in the fund changes section.


Suspension and resumption of unit certificate transactions as of 20.11.2023

ERSTE BOND EM GOVERNMENT LOCAL: Due to the execution of the segregation of illiquid Russian assets of the listed fund (§ 65 InvFG 2011) on 24 November 2023, unit certificate transactions will be suspended for the listed fund starting on 20 November 2023. Unit certificate transactions will be resumed on 27 November 2023. The prospectus for the listed fund will be amended effective 20 November 2023. 



Segregation, segregation date, segregation ratio

The segregation pursuant to § 65 (1) InvFG 2011 was approved by way of a decision issued by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) on 20 September 2023 bearing the identifier GZ FMA IF25 6997/0001-INV/2023. The fund affected by the segregation is ERSTE BOND DANUBIA. The designation of the segregated assets is ABW ERSTE BOND DANUBIA – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung. Erste Asset Management GmbH serves as the management company and Erste Group Bank AG as the depositary bank.     
Segregation date: 23.11.2023. Start of liquidation: 23.11.2023.

In contrast to the split ratio of the unit certificates of 1:1, the amortised cost will be allocated at a ratio of 98.23816% (segregated fund ERSTE BOND DANUBIA) to 1.76184% (segregated assets or side pocket ABW ERSTE BOND DANUBIA – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung).  

The fund prospectus including the fund rules and the key information document for the fund affected by the segregation, ERSTE BOND DANUBIA, are available in German and, if applicable, in English at our offices at Am Belvedere 1, A-1100 Vienna as well as at the depositary bank or on our website at


Fund segregations: ERSTE BOND DANUBIA - segregation of illiquid fund assets as of 23 November 2023

For the fund ERSTE BOND DANUBIA, the illiquid, non-fungible assets of the fund will be segregated effective 23 November 2023. These assets with the designation “ABW ERSTE BOND DANUBIA – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung” will be wound up starting on 23 November 2023. Due to the execution of the segregation of illiquid Russian assets of the listed fund (§ 65 InvFG 2011), unit certificate transactions will be suspended for this fund starting on 20 November 2023. The remaining, liquid assets of ERSTE BOND DANUBIA can be dealt in again starting on 24 November 2023.

The unit-holders will be informed of the segregation directly in accordance with Section 133 of the InvFG 2011.

You can find more details at: 

OeKB information id=194326

OeKB information id=194326



In contrast to the split ratio of the unit certificates of 1:1, the amortised cost will be allocated at a ratio of 98.23816% (segregated fund ERSTE BOND DANUBIA) to 1.76184% (segregated assets or side pocket ABW ERSTE BOND DANUBIA – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung).  

ABW ERSTE BOND DANUBIA – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung:

In contrast to the split ratio of the unit certificates of 1:1, the amortised cost will be allocated at a ratio of 98.23816% (segregated fund ERSTE BOND DANUBIA) to 1.76184% (segregated assets or side pocket ABW ERSTE BOND DANUBIA – Investmentfonds in Abwicklung).  

You can find the regular quarterly report and the annual liquidation report  in the fund changes section.


Suspension and resumption of unit certificate transactions as of 20.11.2023

ERSTE BOND DANUBIA: Due to the execution of the segregation of illiquid Russian assets of the listed fund (§ 65 InvFG 2011) on 23 November 2023, unit certificate transactions will be suspended for the listed fund starting on 20 November 2023. Unit certificate transactions will be resumed on 24 November 2023. The prospectus for the listed fund will be amended effective 20 November 2023. 


Fund closure: ERSTE BOND EM CORPORATE SHORT TERM – termination effective 27 July 2021 

TERMINATION pursuant to § 60 (1) InvFG 2011:

ERSTE BOND EM CORPORATE SHORT TERM (AT0000A1ULN6 (A) (USD R01), AT0000A1U9M5 (A) (USD I01); AT0000A1U9P8 (T) (USD I01); AT0000A1U9Q6 (VTIA) (USD I01), effective 27 July 2021

The unit-holders will be informed directly of the termination pursuant to § 133 InvFG 2011.

Details can be found at: 

OeKB information id=155288

OeKB information id=155299

Historical fund prices:

Reports & brochures and factsheets: 

AT0000A1ULN6 (A) (USD R01)

AT0000A1U9M5 (A) (USD I01)

AT0000A1U9P8 (T) (USD I01)

AT0000A1U9Q6 (VTIA) (USD I01)


ERSTE STOCK EUROPE (merging fund) into ERSTE RESPONSIBLE STOCK EUROPE (receiving fund) as of 10 August 2021

Merger of the following funds effective 10 August 2021:

The fund ERSTE STOCK EUROPE (merging fund) is being merged with the fund ERSTE RESPONSIBLE STOCK EUROPE (receiving fund).

The unit-holders will be informed directly of the merger pursuant to § 133 InvFG 2011.

The fund ERSTE STOCK EUROPE will cease to exist after the merger.

Details can be found at:

OeKB information id=155482

OeKB information id=155529


OeKB information id=155584

OeKB information id=155637


AT0000626817 to AT0000A1E0V5 - 1 : 0,676614

AT0000626825 to AT0000645973 - 1 : 1,064950

AT0000A05TR8 to AT0000A0WM11 - 1 : 1,149329

AT0000A096P8 to AT0000A2QP89 - 1 : 2,098596

AT0000A096Q6 to AT0000A2QP97 - 1 : 2,098595

AT0000A2B584  to AT0000A28E54 - 1 : 0,920663


Do you have questions or would like to get more information?

Your advisor at Erste Bank or Sparkasse is happy to help you.


This document is an advertisement. Please refer to the prospectus of the UCITS or to the Information for Investors pursuant to Art 21 AIFMG of the alternative investment fund and the Key Information Document before making any final investment decisions. Unless indicated otherwise, source: Erste Asset Management GmbH. Our languages of communication are German and English.

The prospectus for UCITS (including any amendments) is published in accordance with the provisions of the InvFG 2011 in the currently amended version. Information for Investors pursuant to Art  21 AIFMG is prepared for the alternative investment funds (AIF) administered by Erste Asset Management GmbH pursuant to the provisions of the AIFMG in connection with the InvFG 2011. The fund prospectus, Information for Investors pursuant to Art  21 AIFMG, and the Key Information Document can be viewed in their latest versions at the website within the section mandatory publications  or obtained in their latest versions free of charge from the domicile of the management company and the domicile of the custodian bank. The exact date of the most recent publication of the fund prospectus, the languages in which the Key Information Document is available, and any additional locations where the documents can be obtained can be viewed on the website A summary of investor rights is available in German and English on the website as well as at the domicile of the management company.

The management company can decide to revoke the arrangements it has made for the distribution of unit certificates abroad, taking into account the regulatory requirements.

Detailed information on the risks potentially associated with the investment can be found in the fund prospectus or Information for investors pursuant to Art 21 AIFMG of the respective fund. If the fund currency is a currency other than the investor's home currency, changes in the corresponding exchange rate may have a positive or negative impact on the value of his investment and the amount of the costs incurred in the fund - converted into his home currency.

Our analyses and conclusions are general in nature and do not take into account the individual needs of our investors in terms of earnings, taxation, and risk appetite. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of the future performance of a fund.